This day was going to be a fun day in the thrift shop. I had decided this before going into my shift. The thrift shop is the oldest charity shop in Scotland and it’s older than me! It was a fun day without trying. As it usually is. Many of the regulars came by, some bring donations, some bringing their dogs, some bringing their stories. Amanda had just bumped into Liz Lochhead the day before and felt like she had embarrassed herself with so much gushing, so I recalled my encounter with the great ‘lady’. It was in the morning and a number of years ago. A middle aged woman was swaying, clearly tipsy, along Gilmore Place as I entered my gate. She had a huge poke of chips which I could smell from a long way off. She called to me and when she called me asked where Viewforth was. I pointed her in the right direction and she toddled off. I was thrilled of course and it was only once I was in the house that I regretted not asking her for a chip.
Ronnie Sutherland